In this collection, you will find our selection of medium bags of different designs and colors. The advantage of our medium bags is that this size of bag can be used for all kinds of occasions. In this type of bag, you have room for all the necessary things for a day at work, a shopping spree, going to a café, or a small trip. These bags are highly functional, and at the same time we at DEPECHE. always value quality and details.
Medium leather bags from DEPECHE. Find your favorite
An example of a perfect medium bag is our bag of the softest suede. The bag closes at the top with a zipper and is decorated with a beautiful gold metal lock on the front. The bag is essential as a workbag, school bag, shopping bag, or just as an everyday bag. Other than that the bag is available in amazing colors such as sand, light grey, and black.
If for some reason you did not find what you were looking for under DEPECHE. medium bags, you can take a look at our wide selection of large bags, shoppers, or crossovers for women.
Medium leather bags from DEPECHE. Find your favorite
An example of a perfect medium bag is our bag of the softest suede. The bag closes at the top with a zipper and is decorated with a beautiful gold metal lock on the front. The bag is essential as a workbag, school bag, shopping bag, or just as an everyday bag. Other than that the bag is available in amazing colors such as sand, light grey, and black.
If for some reason you did not find what you were looking for under DEPECHE. medium bags, you can take a look at our wide selection of large bags, shoppers, or crossovers for women.